Simple Ways to Renovate Your Home The Canadian Government’s 2009 Renovation Tax Credit may have long expired, but there are still plenty of benefits to renovating your home. Get off to a good start by having the right financing in place, and understanding which projects will add the most value. One of the most important… Read More…
7 Important Building & Renovation Tips
When friends ask me for advice about building a house or taking on major renovations, I always start by giving them the same set of seven suggestions. Sure, you’ll have to deal with many more points than these before you’re done, but following these will get you safely past the really important challenges and into… Read More…
10 Bathroom renovation tips
An effective bathroom design should address all your needs, physical and spiritual. Here are the most important tips to consider when considering bathroom renovations. 1. Choose elegant fixtures. A pedestal sink with graceful lines is more attractive than a blocky cabinet vanity. A classic claw-foot tub is like bathroom sculpture. Even enclosed in a deck,… Read More…
Trends in the industry
Current trends in home renovations include… Outdoor Kitchen Energy Retrofitting Healthy Indoor Air The Home Office Accessible Housing Multi-Generation Housing Check out our more recent posts for more trends in home renovations.
Tips for surviving the renovation process
From time to time the excitement of renovations can turn into anxiety and discomfort as day to day routines and household patterns are disrupted. This is especially challenging for those of us with a preference for stability, organization and predictability. When routines and patterns are changed it’s natural to feel stressed and upset. You may… Read More…